If you have received a product with damage or a malfunction, please contact us at service@lozando.com. Make sure that your e-mail contains your name, address and order number so that we can deal with your inquiry quickly.

Remember to indicate which product it is and describe the defect of the product. You are also welcome to attach a picture or video of the product that clearly shows the problem.

We provide a 24-month right of complaint covering defects found during normal use of the product. This means that you can either get the item exchanged, the money back or a reduction in the price, depending on the specific situation.

The right of complaint does not cover errors, damage or wear and tear, directly or indirectly caused by incorrect operation, poor maintenance, violence or unauthorized intervention.

Complaints about errors and deficiencies must be reported to our customer service within a reasonable time after the error or deficiency has been discovered or should have been discovered. In connection with complaint cases, we bear your return costs. If you complain within two months of discovering the error, you will always have complained in time.

We will of course contact you with further information as soon as we have dealt with your inquiry. The item must always be sent back in proper packaging, and we will also sent you a return label.

Frequently asked questions